Establishing different businesses requires a full understanding of the nature of the business and the required manpower needed to operate the business. MALF aims to understand the functionality of businesses and their future plans in order to formulate labour contracts as may deem fit for the purposes of the business. The advice given reflects MALF’s experience in dealing with labour contracts and labour cases, where anticipated issues are addressed and reflected in drafting those contracts to avoid any future conflict between the employer and employees.
MALF represents clients in negotiating and drafting employment contracts, collective agreements, codes of conduct, and issuing work licenses/permits in pursuance of fulfilling the conditions and requirements set by the law and regulations. We also represent clients in labour disputes before the labour office and the labour court in disputes related to the implementation or termination of employment contracts. Evaluating employment disputes in light of the implications and consequences of such disputes that may affect the business in providing our services is crucial, and MALF ensures that the clients receive business oriented legal advice for the overall well-being of the business.